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Its not just about the pups

Our Thoughts

pregnant seal

Its not just about the pups

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Whilst seal pups get all the attention at this time of year, we often forget about their mums. A female seal is pregnant for most of the year. They pup, feed, mate, and then their pregnancy is ‘suspended’ for three months, before they spend nine months nurturing their next pup. They have to feed and thrive in this time. Female seals can travel considerable miles annually to a distant location to give birth and raise their pups before returning to more frequently visited parts of the coast. To be fit enough to do this, seals need to feed and rest well. Any disturbance to a seal is negative, but for female seals to be disturbed means their sleep and rest is compromised and in return their unborn pup suffers. If you see seals hauled out on land sleeping – please do not disturb them.
Once a seal has given birth all her energy is spent on feeding her new pup. They feed their pups rich, high fat content milk, to give their pups the best start to life. They feed frequently, and over a matter of days the weight transfer from mum to pup becomes visible. Within 10 days or so the pup will look like a barrel, whilst the mum looks malnourished and unhealthy. It’s a scenario she will go through year after year. As long as they remain undisturbed, she will feed her pup well and teach it to fend for itself and catch fish. We are seeing a number of known female seals around our shores who are clearly yet to give birth. Some of them are being seen sleeping in visible places. They are exhausted, just as any pregnant female is!
Please give them as much space as you can and never encourage any seal into the sea.
If concerned please contact the BDMLR on 01825 765546, any questions please feel free to call us on 07818 034668. We know many of these seals and their behaviours well, so will answer any questions and if we are concerned we will report it to BDMLR as a Medics call out.

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